PFL Policy Seminar II, “Preparing for Life: The Results Part II”. Mansion House, Dublin, 22nd June 2016.
15th World Association for Infant Mental Health World Congress. “Can targeted and intensive home visiting programmes improve child development? Evidence from a 5-year RCT”. Conference presentation. Prague, Czech Republic, 30th May 2016.
Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Dublin. “Intervening Early to Promote Children’s Health and Development: An RCT of the Preparing for Life Programme”. Invited seminar speaker, 19th May 2016.
Novartis Ireland. “Intervening Early to Promote Children’s Health and Development: An RCT of the Preparing for Life Programme”. Invited seminar speaker. Dublin, Ireland 29th April 2016.
PFL Policy Seminar I, “Preparing for Life: The Results Part I”. Mansion House, Dublin, 17th May 2016.
Early Childhood Ireland 2016 Annual Conference. “Investing in Early Childhood: Examples of Research and Evaluation in Ireland”. Invited keynote address. Dublin, Ireland, 16th April 2016.
Helping Families Change Conference 2016. “Preparing for Life: Testing the Effectiveness of a Five Year Early Intervention Programme in Ireland”. Invited keynote address. Banff, Canada, 5th February 2016.
TCD Department of Economics Seminar Series. “Preparing for Life: Testing the effectiveness of early intervention in an Irish experimental trial”. Invited seminar speaker. Dublin, Ireland, 19th January 2016.
Early Care Interventions and their Effects: An Interdisciplinary Workshop. Invited presentation. “Early Skill Formation and the Efficiency of Parental Investment: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Home Visiting”. Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University, Denmark, 31th August-1st September 2015.
European Economics Association Annual Congress. “Early Intervention and Child Health: Evidence from a Dublin Based Trial”. Conference presentation. Mannheim, Germany, 24th-27th August 2015.
Novartis Ireland. “Preparing for Life: Testing the effectiveness of early intervention in an Irish experimental trial”. Invited seminar speaker. Dublin, Ireland 1st July 2015.
University of Sydney. “Preparing for Life: Testing the effectiveness of early intervention in an Irish experimental trial”. Invited seminar speaker at the Sydney Nursing School. Sydney, Australia, 21st May 2015.
University of Queensland. “Preparing for Life: Testing the effectiveness of early intervention in an Irish experimental trial”. Invited seminar speaker at the Parenting & Family Support Centre. Brisbane, Australia, 18th May 2015.
Irish Economic Association Annual Conference. “Early Intervention and Child Health: Evidence from a Dublin Based Trial”. Conference presentation. Dublin, Ireland, 7-8th May 2015.
Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Conference 2015. Conference presentation. Philadelphia, US, 19-21st March 2015.
34th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research & Education Conference. “Testing the Effectiveness of Early Intervention in an Irish Experimental Trial”. Invited plenary speaker. Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland. 19th February, 2015.
IEA Early Intervention Conference. Invited speaker. School of Education, Trinity College Dublin, 21st November, 2014.
UCD School of Economics Internal Seminar Series, 20th November, 2014.
Xiamen University. “Early Skill Formation and the Efficiency of Parental Investment: A Randomised Controlled Trial of Home Visiting”. Seminar presentation at the Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE). China 27th October 2014.
Doyle, O. (2014, June) The Economics of Early Childhood Intervention. Community Mothers Summer Workshop.
Doyle, O., Lovett J. Smith L. (2014, June) Seeking “that magic ingredient”: Investigating father involvement in Preparing for Life. 14th WAIMH (World Association for Infant Mental Health) Word Congress, 14th-18th June 2914, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Doyle O., & PFL Evaluation team. (2014, June) Home Visiting in Ireland: Assessing the Early Impact of the Preparing for Life programme. 14th WAIMH (World Association for Infant Mental Health) Word Congress, 14th-18th June 2914, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Doyle, O. (2014, June) Why are Economists Interested in Early Childhood Intervention? Journées de la Prevention, Paris- Centre Universitaire des Saints-Peres. INPES- Institut National de Prevention et d’Education Pour la Santé.
Doyle O, & PFL Evaluation team. (2014, June) Experimental Evidence on the Early Effectiveness of Intervention in Childhood –Preparing for Life programme. Journées de la Prevention, Paris- Centre Universitaire des Saints-Peres. INPES- Institut National de Prevention et d’Education Pour la Santé.
O’Farrelly, C., Doyle O, & PFL Evaluation team. (2014, May) Measuring outcomes in child and adolescent psychiatry: Preparing for Life early intervention programme. Health Economics- Economic Evaluation across the Lifespan in Mental Health, College of Psychiatrists of Ireland.
Doyle O & PFL Evaluation Team. (2014, April) Birth, Books, Bands & Babies: Testing the Effectiveness of Early Intervention in the Preparing for Life Trial. UCD Geary Institute Seminar Series.
Logue, C. (2013, November). Measuring investment in human capital formation (co-authors: Doyle, O., Harmon, C., Heckman, J. & Moon, S.). Presentation given at the 6th Irish One-Day Conference on Economics and Psychology, Maynooth.
Doyle O, Harmon C, Heckman J, Logue C Moon S. (2013, October) Measuring Investment in Human Capital Formation: An Experimental Analysis of Early Life Outcomes. 2013 Annual Health Econometrics Workshop, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Doyle O, Harmon C, Heckman J, Logue C Moon S. (2013, September) Measuring Investment in Human Capital Formation: An Experimental Analysis of Early Life Outcomes. 22nd European Workshop on Econometrics and Health Economics. Invited Speaker. Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 4th-6th September 2013.
Doyle, O. (2013, September) Conducting Experimental Evaluations: Example from an Irish Early Intervention Programme. Psychological Society Division of Teachers and Researchers in Psychology Conference, “Contemporary issues in quantitative design, measurement and analysis” Cork, Ireland.
Doyle O, Kelly N. (2013, August). Early Childhood Intervention in Ireland – Example of Preparing for Life programme. Opening Conference Trygfonden’s Centre for Child Research. Aarhus, Denmark.
Doyle O. (2013, August). Evaluating the early effectiveness of the Preparing for Life programme. Opening Conference Trygfonden’s Centre for Child Research. Aarhus, Denmark.
Mc Glanaghy, E., Palamaro-Munsell, E., McAuliffe, F. & Doyle, O. (2013, July). Home visiting intervention to improve birth outcomes for a disadvantaged community: a randomised control trial. 27th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Bordeaux.
Doyle O, & PFL Evaluation Team. (2013, June) Preventing Early Deprivation: The North Dublin experiment. World Congress on Brain, Behavior and Emotions. Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Logue, C. (2013, June) Measuring Investment in human capital formation (co-authors: Doyle, O., Harmon, C., Heckman, J. & Moon, S.). Presentation given at the Applied Microeconomics Seminar Series in the Economics Institute, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile.
Palamaro Munsell, E., McGrath J., Doyle, O. & McNamara, K. (June, 2013). Successes and challenges in the early stages of a community-based early intervention programme in Ireland: The importance of the parent-staff relationship. 2013 Biennial Conference, The Society of Community Research and Action, Miami
McGrath, J., Doyle, O., Palamaro Munsell, E. (2013, June). Early intervention: assessing the impact of the Preparing for Life programme on parental behaviour at six months. Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle.
Logue, C. (2013, April). Measuring Investment in human capital formation (co-authors: Doyle, O., Harmon, C., Heckman, J. & Moon, S.). Presentation given at the Economics Seminar Series in the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago de Chile.
Doyle, O. (2013, March). Evaluating the early effectiveness of the Preparing for Life programme: Experimental evidence from a childhood intervention. Invited speaker – Economics seminar series Department of Economics, NUI Galway.
Doyle, O. (2013, February). Experimental evidence on the early effectiveness of intervention in childhood. Conference on Irish Economic Policy. Invited speaker- Institute of Bankers, Dublin.
Doyle, O. (November, 2012). Keynote Address; Preparing for Life. Invited keynote speaker- North Dublin Hospital Group (NDHG) Inaugural Conference on Collaborative Lifespan Research. Rotunda Hospital, Dublin.
Doyle, O. (2012, November). Experimental evidence on the early effectiveness of intervention in childhood Invited speaker Research in Economics and Finance seminar series, Queens University Belfast Management School, Belfast.
Doyle, O. (2012, October). Running experiments: Example from an Irish early intervention programme. Invited speaker- Policy Experiments: Maximising Impact. CMPO & Cabinet Office Behavioural Insights Team. Institute of Government, London, UK.
Logue, C. (2012, September). Measuring investment in human capital formation: an experimental analysis of early life outcomes (co-authors: Doyle, O., Harmon, C., Heckman, J. & Moon, S.). Presentation given at the European Doctoral Group in Economics (EDGE) Jamboree, University of Munich.
Doyle, O. (2012, July). Evaluating the early effectiveness of an Irish early intervention programme. Invited speaker- Early Interventions and Future Well-being, Welsh Government, Cardiff University, Wales.
Doyle, O., Harmon, C., Heckman, J., Logue, C & Moon, S. (2012, June). Measuring investment in human capital formation: an experimental analysis of early life outcomes. Invited speaker- Early Childhood Development and Human Capital Accumulation Conference. University College London.
Doyle, O. (2012, June). Child care in infancy and cognitive performance until middle childhood in the Millennium Cohort Study. Invited speaker- Marie Curie International Exchange Program Meeting, St. Justine Hospital, Montreal, Canada.
Doyle, O. & Palamaro Munsell, E. (2012, June). Preparing for Life: How community voice informs and shapes an early childhood intervention in North Dublin, Ireland. Presentation at 4th International Community Psychology Conference in Barcelona, Spain.
Doyle, O. (2012, May). Evaluating the early effectiveness of the Preparing for Life programme. Invited speaker, Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), ESRI, Dublin.
Doyle, O. (2012, May). Issues in experimental evaluation. Invited speaker- Public Service Evaluation Network, Department of Public Expenditure & Reform, Ireland.
Doyle, O. (2012, April). Breaking the Cycle of Deprivation: An Experimental Evaluation of an Early Childhood Intervention. Presentation to a of the Statistical & Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, Royal Irish Academy.
Doyle, O. (2012, March). The early effectiveness of an experimental early childhood intervention: Preparing for Life. Invited speaker- University of Stirling, Economics Division seminar series, Stirling, Scotland.
Doyle, O. (2012, January). Early Educational Investment as an Economic Recovery Strategy. Presentation to the DEW Conference on Irish Economic Recovery, Croke Park.
Doyle, O. (2011, December). Evaluating the early effectiveness of the Preparing for Life programme at 6 months. Barker Workshop ‘The First 1000 Days: Policy Implications for Maternal and Child Health’. Presentation. UCD Dublin.
Doyle, O. (2011, November). Analyzing an early childhood initiative. Joint UCD-RHUL Workshop. Presentation. Royal Holloway University of London.
Doyle, O. (2011, November). Triple P and Preparing for Life, Triple P Conference, Dublin.
Doyle, O. (2011, October). Investing in Early Productivity:A review of targeted Irish early childhood initiatives and programmes. OECD ‘Building Quality Jobs in the Recovery’ International Conference, Dublin Castle, Dublin.
Logue, C. (2011, September). An Early Start. One of ten shortlisted applicants invited to present at a research competition entitled ‘Future Voices: How Ireland’s PhDs will Enable National Recovery’. Dublin Castle.
Logue, C. (2011, August). Evaluating an Early Childhood Intervention using Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Methods. Presentation given at The Irish Society of New Economists (ISNE) 8th Annual Conference, Institute of Bankers, Dublin.
Doyle, O, (2011, May). Preparing for Life: Early Intervention with families to improve child and family outcomes. Invited speaker, What’s Working for Children Conference: Evidence Based Practice, the What, Why and How, Dublin.
Doyle, O., & McNamara, K.A. (2011, May). Children’s profile at school entry (CPSE) 2008-2011. Summary of research findings presented to community members, school principals, teachers, and funding bodies at the CPSE Workshop, Dublin, Ireland.
Doyle, O. (2011, April). Evaluation of the Preparing for Life early childhood intervention programme. Invited speaker, Queens University Belfast Management School, Queens University Belfast.
Doyle, O. (2011, April). Who uses and benefits from childcare? A cross-national analysis of childcare and disadvantaged children. Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Canada.
Doyle, O. (2011, April). Longitudinal studies in Ireland. Presentation to the Marie Curie International Exchange Program launch meeting, St. Justine Hospital, Montreal, Canada.
Doyle, O. (2011, April). The Irish childhood policy context. Presentation to the Marie Curie International Exchange Program launch meeting, St. Justine Hospital, Montreal, Canada.
Doyle, O. (2011, April). An Irish early childhood intervention: Preparing for Life. Presentation to the Marie Curie International Exchange Program launch meeting, St. Justine Hospital, Montreal, Canada.
Doyle, O. (2011, March). Evaluation of the Preparing for Life early childhood intervention. Presentation given at the Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
Logue, C., & McNamara, K.A. (2010, July). Children’s profile at school entry (CPSE) 2008-2010. Summary of research findings presented to community members, school principals, teachers, and funding bodies at the CPSE Workshop, Dublin, Ireland.
Doyle, O. (2010, July). Irish early childhood interventions: Preparing for Life programme. Presentation given at the 12th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Leipzig, Germany.
Doyle, O. (2010, April). Modelling the impact of childcare in infancy on cognitive performance. Paper presented at the 2011 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
Doyle, O. (2010, April). Early intervention in Ireland: Introducing the Preparing for Life programme. Invited presentation at the Psychological Society of Ireland Special Interest Group on Children and Adolescent Psychology Conference, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
Doyle, O., (2010, April). Beyond child indicators: A framework to assess and evaluate the quality of early childhood services and programs in a global context. Abu Dhabi.
McNamara, K.A. (2010, March). Evaluation of the Preparing for Life programme: An update to the PFL Board. Update of PFL evaluation team activities presented at a PFLBoard Meeting, Dublin, Ireland.
Logue, C., & McNamara, K.A. (2009, December). Readiness for change: Baseline data on readiness to implement the Síolta framework. Summary of research findings presented to community memebers, Office of the Minister for Children representatives, and those involved in the design of the Síolta framework, Dublin, Ireland.
Doyle, O., & McNamara, K.A. (2009, July). Children’s profile at school entry (CPSE) 2008. Summary of research findings presented to community members, school principals, teachers, and funding bodies at the CPSE Workshop, Dublin, Ireland.
Cheevers, C. (2009, November). Maternal parenting behaviours and child internalising and externalising behaviours: Evidence from a school readiness survey. Research presentation given to the Education Across the Lifespan Symposium at the UCD Geary Institute, Dublin, Ireland.
Finnegan, S. (2009, November). Differential teacher and parent ratings of school readiness in a disadvantaged community. Research presentation given to the Education Across the Lifespan Symposium at the UCD Geary Institute, Dublin, Ireland.
McNamara, K.A. (2009, November). Evaluation of the Preparing for Life programme: Two years on. Paper presentation given to the Education Across the Lifespan Symposium at the UCD Geary Institute, Dublin, Ireland.
Doyle, O. (2009, October). An Irish early childhood intervention: The Preparing for Life programme. Presentation given to the 7th European Congress of Community Psychology. Paris, France.
Doyle, O. (2009, August). Introducing the Preparing for Life early childhood intervention programme. Poster presented to the European Conference on Developmental Psychology. Vilnius, Lithuania.
Doyle, O. & McNamara, K.A. (2009, July). Children’s Profile at School Entry (CPSE) 2008. Research presentation given to the CPSE workshop, Dublin, Ireland.
McNamara, K.A. & PFL Evaluation Team. (2009, June). The Preparing For Life early intervention programme: Evidence of need. Poster presented to the Psychological Society of Ireland, Health, and Medicine Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Doyle, O. (2009, April). The economics of early childhood. Presentation given to the Irish Pre-school Play Association (IPPA), ‘Letting the Children Fly…..Shaping the Agenda for Childcare.’ Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland.
Doyle O. & PFL Evaluation Team. (2009, April). Irish early childhood interventions: Introducing the Preparing for Life programme. Poster presented to the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Doyle, O., Harmon, C., & Heckman, J. (2008, November). From Science to Society: Investing in early childhood. PRTLI Transformations Exhibition: How Research is Changing Ireland. Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin
Doyle, O. (2008, November). The economics of early childhood. Presented to the Community Childcare and Education Conference – CPLN Area Partnership, Liffey Valley, Dublin, Ireland.
Doyle, O. (2008, November). Early childhood determinants of time preferences. Research presentation given to the Economics and Psychology One day Conference, NUI Maynooth, Ireland.
Doyle, O. (2008, October). The impact of childcare on cognitive and non-cognitive skills. Invited presentation given to Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Ireland.
Joyner, O. (2008, July). A process evaluation of ‘Preparing for Life: How is process related to outcome? Presentation given to the Geary Institute One Day Symposium on Health and Behaviour, Dublin, Ireland.
McEntee, L. (2008, July). The Preparing for Life School Readiness Survey: Establishing a baseline. Presentation given to the Geary Institute One Day Symposium on Health and Behaviour, Dublin, Ireland.
McNamara, K.A. (2008, July). Evaluation of the Preparing for Life programme: An update. Presentation given to the Geary Institute One Day Symposium on Health and Behaviour, Dublin, Ireland.
Thompson, S. (2008, July). Psychological constructs and organisational factors influencing the acceptance or rejection of organisational change. Presentation given to the Geary Institute One Day Symposium on Health and Behaviour, Dublin, Ireland.
Doyle, O., Saïas, T., & Falco, S. (2008, June). A European network of early preventive community interventions. Poster presented to the International Conference on Community Psychology, Lisbon.
Doyle, O., Joyner, O., McEntee, L., McNamara, K.A., & Thompson, S. (2008, April). Irish early childhood interventions: Introducing the Preparing for Life programme. Poster presented to the Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society, Dublin, Ireland. April 2008.
Doyle, O. (2007, November). Early prevention in Ireland ‘Preparing for Life’ early childhood intervention. Presentation to the Conference on Early Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, University of Trento – TRANSCRIME, Italy.
Doyle, O. (2007, November). Evaluation of the Preparing for Life programme: Update to the PFL Board. Presentation given to the PFL Board Meeting, Dublin, Ireland.
Doyle, O. (2007, October). Evaluation of the Preparing for Life programme: Update to the EAC. Presentation given to the PFL Expert Advisory Committee, Dublin, Ireland.
Doyle, O. (2007, September). Early childhood intervention programmes in Ireland: ‘Preparing for Life’ intervention. Presentation given to the 7th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Bologna, Italy.
Doyle, O. (2007, July). Designing and evaluating social experiments: An early childhood intervention. Presentation given to the Geary Institute seminar series, Dublin, Ireland.