Publications & Working Papers


Doyle, O., Mc Glanaghy, E., O’Farrelly, C., Tremblay, R. “The impact of a randomized controlled trial of a community-based home visiting program on children’s early socio-emotional development”. Forthcoming in PLOS One.

Doyle, O., Fitzpatrick, N., O’Sullivan, A. “Effects of dietary recommendations during early childhood on cognitive functioning: a randomized controlled trial”. Forthcoming in Public Health Nutrition.

Girard, L.C., Pingault, J.B., Doyle, O., Falissard, B., Tremblay, R.E. “Expressive language and prosocial behaviour in early childhood: Longitudinal associations in the UK Millennium Cohort Study”. Forthcoming European Journal of Developmental Psychology.

Girard, L., Pingault, JB., Doyle, O., Falissard, B., Tremblay, RE. “Developmental associations between conduct problems and expressive language in early childhood: A population-based study”. Forthcoming in Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Epub 26 th October 2015.


Palamaro Munsell, E., Lovett, J., McNamara, K., Doyle O. (2016) “Friend, foe or facilitator? The role of the parent-service provider relationship in the early implementation of a family-based community intervention”. Community Psychology in Global Perspective, 2(1): 52-72.

Tatlow-Golden, M., O’Farrelly, C., Booth, A., O’Rourke, C., Doyle, O. (2016) “‘Look, I have my ears open’: Resilience and early school experiences among children in an economically deprived suburban area in Ireland”. School Psychologist International, 37(2): 104-120.


Doyle, O., Fitzpatrick, N., Rawdon, C., Lovett J. (2015) “Early intervention and child health: Evidence from a Dublin-based trial”. Economics and Human Biology, 19: 224-245.


Doyle, O., McGlanaghy, E., Palamaro Munsell, E., McAuliffe, F. (2014) “Home based educational intervention to improve perinatal outcomes for a disadvantaged community: a randomised control trial”. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 180: 162-167.

Booth, A. Palamaro Munsell, E., Doyle, O. (2014) “Maternal engagement in a home visiting intervention: What lies beneath psychological resources?” Journal of Community Psychology, 42(1): 29-46.


Cote, S., Doyle, O., Petitclerc, A., Timmins, L. (2013) “Associations between child care in infancy and cognitive performance during early and middle childhood: Results from UK Millennium Cohort Study”. Child Development, 84(4):1191-208.

Fahy, M., Doyle, O., Denny, K., McAuliffe, F.M., Robson, M. (2013) “Economics of labour”. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 92, 508-516.


Doyle, O., Hickey C. (2012) “The challenges of contamination in evaluations of childhood interventions”. Evaluation, 19(2), 180-191.

Doyle, O. (2012) “Breaking the cycle of deprivation: An experimental evaluation of an early childhood intervention”. Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, Vol. XLI, 92-111.

Delaney, L. Doyle, O. (2012) “Early childhood determinants of time preferences”. Journal of Economic Psychology, 33, 237–247.

Doyle, O., McEntee, L., McNamara, K. (2012) “Skills, capabilities and inequality at school entry in a disadvantaged community”. European Journal of the Psychology of Education, 27: 133-154.

Doyle, O., Finnegan, S., McNamara, K. (2012) “Differential teacher and parent ratings of school readiness in a disadvantaged community”. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 20(3): 371-389.


Doyle O, Logue C, McNamara K. (2011) “Readiness for Change: Evidence from a Study of Early Childhood Care and Education Centers”. Childcare in Practice, 17(2): 163-184.

Doyle, O., Saias, T., Tubach, F., Brand, T. “Engagement in Experimental Home Visiting Interventions: A cross-national study on the attributes of parental engagement”. Under submission at American Journal of Community Psychology

Doyle, O, Hickey C. “The Challenges of Contamination in Evaluations of Childhood Interventions”. Under submission at Evaluation.

Cote, S., Doyle, O., Petitclerc, A., Timmins, L., “Associations Between Child Care in Infancy and Cognitive Performance During Early and Middle Childhood: Results from the UK Millennium Cohort Study”. Revise and Resubmit at Child Development.

Kai von Klitzing, Kai, Orla Doyle, Thomas Saïas, Tim Greacen, Susan Sierau, Sonja Perren. “Early Prevention and Intervention Programs in Europe”. In Fitzgerald, H. E., Puura, K., Tomlinson, M., & Paul. C. (eds.).  (2011). International Perspectives on Child Psychology and Mental Health, Vol 2: Prevention and Treatment. Palo Alto, Praeger Press.



Doyle O, Delaney L, McKenzie K, Wall P. (2009), “The Distribution of Psychological Well-being in Ireland”, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 26(3): 119-126.

Doyle O. Harmon C, Heckman J, Tremblay R. (2009) “Investing in Early Human Development: Timing and Economic Efficiency”, Economics and Human Biology, 7(1): 1-6.  

Cheevers, C., Doyle, O. & McNamara, K.A. (2010). Child externalising and internalising behaviour in the first year of school: The role of parenting in a low SES population.UCD Geary Institute Working Paper Series, 2010/39.

Denny, K. & Doyle, O. (2010). The causal effect of breastfeeding on children’s cognitive development: A quasi-experimental design. UCD Geary Institute Working Paper Series. 2010/20.

Denny , K., Doyle, O., O’Reilly, P. & O’Sullivan, V. (2010). Money, mentoring and making friends: The impact of a University Access Program on student performance. UCD Geary Institute Working Paper Series, 2010/21.

Doyle, O., Finnegan, S., McNamara, K. (2010). Differential parent and teacher ratings of school readiness in a disadvantaged community. UCD Geary Institute Working Paper 2010/11

Doyle, O., McEntee, L. & McNamara, K. (2010). Skills, capabilities and inequalities at school entry in a disadvantaged community. UCD Geary Insitiute Working Paper 2010/14

Doyle, O., McGorrian, C., Shortt, E., Kilroe, J., & Kelleher, C. (2010). An assessment of the barriers to breastfeeding and the service needs of families and communities in Ireland with low breastfeeding rates. Report to the Population health Dictorate of the Health Service Executive.  



Doyle, O., Cheevers, C., Finnegan, S., McEntee, L., & McNamara, K.A. (2009). Report on Children’s Profile at School Entry 2008-2009. UCD Geary Institute Working Paper 2009/24.

Doyle, O., Harmon. C., Heckman. J., & Tremblay, R. (2009) Investing in early human development: Timing and economic efficiencyEconomics and Human Biology, 7(1): 1-6.

Doyle, O., McNamara, K.A., Logue, C. (2009). Readiness for change: Baselind data on readiness to implement the Síolta framework. UCD Geary Institute Working Paper 2009/33



Delaney, L., & Doyle, O. (2008). Early childhood determinants of time preferences. UCD Geary Institute Working Paper Series, 2008/34.